Saturday, August 8, 2009


Made some art today: pastels on scrap wood. Gotta figure where to hang 'em.

Making dinner now: braising chicken gizzard & heart (mostly gizzard, as the package explains apologetically), dry beans rehydrating on the back burner, all to be a jambalaya tonight.

Picked up three five-gallon buckets from the deli, formerly containing icing, Marc cleaned 'em in the bathtub. He said "Damn shame to be throwing out this much sugar" and I said "If we had pigs we could feed it to 'em & they'd turn it into butter" (Seriously). The pails will make useful storage for the 25 pounds of flour his mother picked up for me, or wet pails for child's cloth diapers. Filled a couple of bags with ugly old t-shirts for a dollar a bag at a local thrift store, intend to sew a bunch of diapers, 'cause fuck buying 'em. Also fuck paying the laundromat - I've been able to wrangle free laundry once a week and supplement with bathtub washing & clothesline drying when the weather's nice...damn dirty hippy.

Sewed a cloth book for child, using scrap fabric & photos of some punk band from a trashcan salvaged copy of Rolling Stone - they're making silly faces, so I labeled eyes and lips and teeth and child & I talk about faces.

Childmonster is diligently rearranging my house and Marc has himself elbow-deep in the plumbing grumbling about how much he loves me to be dealing with standing-water corroded pipe nastyness. He just strolled through the room all happy 'cause the corroded pipes include copper, so he'll buy new plastic bits & use the old for brewery parts. Distilling's illegal, isn't it?

Started a few jars of what hopes to be fruit scrap vinegar, recipe from this site. There's blueberry and apple, and a jar with some mint leaves from the huge feral peppermint in the backyard, don't know if that will work but it's worth a shot. Mean to make some more mint syrup tonight 'cause it's beautiful in iced tea or water.

I'm happiest, I think, when my life is neatly circumscribed by kitchen: reading about food, thinking about food, cooking food. So this is what I do.

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